Bodywork Session (online):
Duration: 60 or 90 minutes
Costs: 60 US$ or 90 US$
This Session includes:
Feel good in your body! Whether you do yoga, sport in general, like running or dancing, movement is essential for your physical and mental health. In the session we will work out which types of movement suit you and what you even enjoy. I will give you individual instructions and exercises for every day. This is an effective personal training that combines stretching and strengthening exercises, perfectly tailored to you and easy to integrate into your daily life. Also suitable for absolute beginners!
Deep muscle pain and tension can be alleviated, mobility promoted and blockages released.
Nutrition&conscious living
Eat healthily. Food can be medicine if it is chosen correctly. If you eat unhealthy food that you cannot tolerate, you will weaken yourself, slowly destroy your body, possibly gain weight and, in the worst case, become ill. This food also blocks your energy system, i.e. your antennas to consciousness. In this session we will look at what you can and cannot eat, what is good for you and heals your body and mind.
We will also look at the way you treat your body. What clothes do you wear? What do you do for yourself?
With small steps you may feel like a new person in just a few days.
Expression&touch for couples
A real touch brings us to this exact moment. Regardless of whether it comes from someone else or ourselves, it opens our hearts and we dive deep into inner silence.
Touch can also save relationships. You can book a session with your partner. Together we will get in touch with ourselves and the other person, experience how healing touch and hugs can be, experience the transformative magic of intimacy, of heart connections, physical and mental cleansing and the building of trust as well as an expansion of your consciousness.
Educational training (online):
Training for shamanic and tantric energy work
Duration: it variates individually and can take weeks, months or years
Costs: 120 US$/hour package price for at least 10 sessions (a 90 minutes) = 1200$
All online courses are inclusive in this program!
Have a free call with me (20 min.) to get more infos and ask question!
This life changing training combines two powerful spiritual traditions, shamanism and tantra (no physical sexuality!).
In the shamanic teachings and initiations you mainly learn:
- how to travel through consciousness, means also other worlds and realities
- how to acknowledge feelings and all kind of energies in general and transform them. Recognize energies inside or outside of you, see where they come from and what they do and want. Learn how to move and release them.
- how to work with your intuition.
- how transformation and self - healing work
- how to create a safe space and hold energy for yourself and others
- shamanic/spiritual/tantric tools and skills
- how to clean your body and energetical system
- the flow of sexual energy as our life force with its female and male aspects
Initiate the (shamanic) potential in you and activate your own individual abilities.
That´s why we work 1:1 sessions in your own tempo:
- we analyse your status quo - where are you standing in life? Where do you want to go?
- where are your blockages and traumas? Where are your abilities and strenghts?
- which steps are necessary for you to walk in the direction you want and which tools do you need?
- emotional work
- shamanic/spiritual knowledge
- unblocking of sexual energy, discovering and integration of your female and male energies
Discover and activate your inner shaman by being your own example and practice. Just this way you can guide and support other people. You and your unfolding is the center of this training! After every session you will receive a homework, for example exercises and whenever you integrated them, you will take the next step in your next session.
In the tantric tradition you give up on mastering any kind of energies. You step from the more active into the more passive part. It´s about opening up as a pure vessel for the divine energy to flow through you. Be the source by being empty. This needs a deep cleansing of ego - structures, programs, blockages and identifications. Just in a state of meditation when you dissolve as a person, the tantric energy enters your body, heart and soul to use you as a tool, an instrument. It flows through you as a birth given gift and to make a difference. It´s the divine doing that, you have nothing to do with it, you just offer yourself as a servant.
In this training you go through a mental and physical cleansing process through meditation, treatments and heart opening exercises. You release negativity and selfish pursuits from your energy system. This does not mean that you must drop your ego now and here forever. It means to be able to create a space where your ego pauses, when you are there for somebody else, to let the energy run through you. Through healthy and fresh nutrition you become clear, your body detoxes.
We want to practice humility in order to share from our heart, gratitude and unlearn control and judgements. We want to look through our own desire that wants our advantage and blocks us.
How do we get there? Through real surrendering, meditation, opening, humility, gratitude, forgiveness and choosing love over ego. Important is our will to serve instead of ruling. We are willing to die (ego) to eternal life.
Through hands on and treatments (for example) we can work with other people and let the tantric energy flow through us into the other being for initiations, self - healing, awareness and spiritual awakening.
Through discovering of our female and male power, this polarity that creates life (in us), you become whole and you are ready to attract the right partner in the outside. You live your full power.
Individual Session (online)
Duration: 45 (new!) or 90 (intense!) minutes
Costs: 50 or 150 Dollars
Whatever brings you to me: we will take a close look at your matter. Where are you and what do you need? We open up a deep space in which everything is possible and you can communicate with confidence. The solution to your conflicts and your unique potential are already within you. Sometimes all you need is the right setting and the decisive push.
Chat: If you value my support once or on an ongoing basis, then contact me in the chat at any time! You can ask me questions about your current situation or current crises. I am also happy to help with relationship issues or with attracting the right partner through self-optimization. I am also at your side if you are bullied at work or have problems in the family.
Top up your chat credit with Paypal ( or bank transfer with an amount of your choice, stating your name. Then write to me at: +49 151 25251504 on Whatsapp Business or Telegram. For every minute of my answer, I will deduct 1 euro from your credit (1 minute corresponds to about 30 - 40 words).